What is it and what are the benefits
Hypopressive abdominal gymnastics, created by Dr Marcel Caufriez, became famous and won many fans for favouring the gain of the long-dreamed negative belly, but it is much more than that. It is a method used in the rehabilitation of many pathologies, and it is also able to assist the functions of the digestive and respiratory systems.
It is a global and systemic postural method that aims to unite the respiratory technique with abdominal contraction manoeuvres and respiratory apnea, bringing many benefits to the body. Among the main problems that can be addressed are:
Urinary incontinence, genial prolapse, “drooping bladder”
Strengthening the internal muscles of the abdomen and perineum region
Postpartum perineum sequelae
Improved sexual function and reduced menstrual pain
Low back pain relief
Among other pathologies
Because there are some contraindications to the use of the method, it is necessary to look for a qualified professional to assist you in performing the exercises. Hypopressive can bring many gains to your health and quality of life.